Whether your rich or poor, the reality is we all want to build more wealth. 

Some of us want to leave a lasting legacy (I am in that camp), while others just want to be comfortable in retirement. No matter your WHY, we all have the same mission: Build more wealth.

So how do we do it?

If you google, “building wealth” or “how to make more money,” you’ll likely see websites, blog articles, and even links to courses promising to teach you how to make more money. However these articles recycling the same old tired playbook. They’re just fancy packaging on the information you likely had.

The truth is, you only need to understand two main concepts and I am going to share those with you today. 

1. Invest in your present

Your present is your every day life. Ask yourself what are things I need to do today to make myself wealthier today or in the near future. This could equate to paying down debt, like high interest credit cards, student loans, or changing your job or career field to increase your income. 

Keeping your present every day life in mind will help you to make better decisions, including on whether you should or should not have a sizable emergency fund.

If you lose track of the present and don’t live in the moment, life will pass you by before you can enjoy it. The future has no meaning if you’re everyday sucks and you can’t survive.

2. Invest in your future

With investing in your future, I am talking about things future you would care about. How do you envision your retired life looking? What college would you like your kids to go to? What trips do you want to take?

These are all important things and all should have a priority for you.

Every dollar saved or invested today should have a purpose and be dedicated towards satisfying the present need of the future you. Don’t rob the future you by forgetting or delaying investing and saving. 

Overall, these are simple concepts.

No jargon.

No minute details.

Because quite frankly, we get bogged down in the details and forget to see the bigger picture. When it comes to building wealth, use the KISS method. Thus you need to KEEP IT SIMPLE Student.

As always if you have questions or concerns regarding creating an emergency fund, investing, real estate, insurance, or planning for the future, don’t be afraid to speak with qualified financial advisor. Smart Asset has a great tool to find an advisor in your area or feel free to email me (contact@surgifi.com) to help you on your path to financial independence.

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