One of the most common questions I receive, is how did I get here despite starting where I did as a kid. So today we are going to dive into how I approach success, why I don’t view it as success, and go through the five key things that I do each and every time to ensure that I can achieve success.

How do I approach success?

The textbook definition of success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. I only partially agree with that definition. I think success is more of a personal definition.

You may have different challenges, experiences, and fears than someone else. Your personality may be driven by small wins which encourage you to continue along your path, or you may be like me and only focus on the end goal.

No matter what, the goal is to fulfill a purpose or meet an objective. How you define that objective is what determines your view on success.

Thus if you make it a small objective, you’ll have a small amount of “success.” And the same goes with big objectives (i.e. big success).

Overall, I take a different approach. I set large, difficult complex objectives. For me, the end goal is the only thing that matters.

In some regards, I have tunnel vision and can only see that objective. The journey to completion of that objective looks like to success to some. However not to me. This approach allows me to not get caught up in the euphoria of small wins. It allows me to win the war and not focus on every little win.

I’ll admit my approach is not for everyone. However its worked for me thus far. So here is the 5 key things I do to achieve success.

1. Think of an achievable goal, then aim higher

The reason its “achievable” is because you know you can do it. Where is the fun in that? To me that is the definition of staying in your comfort zone. The success, the really gratifying, truly pound your chest, success is achieved by going outside your comfort zone.

So get uncomfortable and aim higher.

2. Create a checklist (i.e. “recipe”) to complete the objective

We love checklists (a little too much) in healthcare. They are everywhere. You can never forget the checklist, because there is a checklist to remind you to do the checklist. As annoying as they are, they are very helpful. They allow the process to be repeatable. The checklist is the process that will guarantee your greatest chance at meeting the objective.

3. Change Your Mindset – Failure is NOT an OPTION

Once you start down the path of your objective, there is no turning back. That sounds like a cliche but I adopted this mentality a long time ago.

The product of my upbringing was a constant feeling of having my back against the wall. If I “failed” I had no one to blame or anywhere to go.

I had to make it.

So I learned to always keep pushing ahead. If there was a setback, notice I didn’t say failure, I found another path to proceed. I always held myself to a higher standard and as result I refuse to allow myself to fail.

4. Put the time in – Your work ethic is more important than your intellect

I never assume that I am the smartest person in the room. However I do assume that no one in that room is willing to work harder than me.

As a child, my Mom used to tell me that at the end of the day, if I could not look myself in the mirror and say that I worked my hardest, then I am cheating myself.

And I will never cheat myself.

You nor I can control what brain power we are born with. What we can control, is how hard we work to achieve our goals. Working hard sucks. Thats the reason most people choose to not do it. If you can push harder than others and achieve a superstar work ethic, you give yourself a leg up on the competition. Another benefit is that it usually will get you closer to achieving your goals.


This should go without saying but most people won’t support you on your road to success. If you aim high enough, you’re going to go against the norm. You won’t fit the pattern. You’ll be called a contrarian and people don’t like contrarians.

The motivation to achieve your definition of success, has to come from within. You have to find something that you can grab on to, keep in your sights, and learn to block everything else out. You need to be relentless.

No matter what happens along the way, keep going. If you get knocked down, keep going. Don’t stop.

Be relentless.