You never know who is watching you. I was reminded of this point yesterday during my drive to work.

A security guard who I see almost every day, stopped me on the way in and asked what I was listening to on the radio. However I wasn’t listening to the radio, it was a podcast, specifically The Compound and Friends which is one of my Friday listens (you can find the episode I was listening to here).

That security guard said that he noticed I never listened to anything else except others talking when I drove through the gate and wanted to know why?

First that is an excellent question. My response was that I like to listen to smart people and learn. I don’t know everything and I want to really understand finance so I listen to others and learn from their experiences.

My response must have had a positive effect on him, because he asked me what to listen to right after. I gave him a few podcasts that I like and then drove in to my parking garage.

Sometimes, I think that we forget the impact that we can have on others. These days I have a lot of random people who stop to ask what I do because of the car that I drive. Turns out people really love Tesla’s and it immediately leads to questions about what the driver does to afford it.

And that’s completely fine. I love the fact that people are inquisitive and want to learn about what options they have to create the successful life they deserve.

After gaining any level of success its easy to take for granted the benefits of that success. Whether its an high income, a car, a house, etc it all becomes normal and loses its luster for you. However for someone not in your position, its likely a goal, and as a result they are constantly watching you to gain insight on how to achieve the same thing.

Your success and that story on how you got to where you are can be a huge help for someone else, because someone else is always watching.

Over the last year, I’ve done a lot of podcasts and I have done a bad job at sharing them. So that is going to end today. Below you will find every podcast that I’ve done over the last year as well as link to listen to them. I hope that my story can help someone else and that we can all achieve our financial goals.

If I do more podcasts in the future, I’ll add them to this page. Please share this page with people who you believe will be inspired by my story and make sure to subscribe to each of these podcasts because they are awesome.